Jade's Quest Greenland Crossing

mag 28

buttered up

Published at 23:22
Dispatch created from email
A small bird has become our companion, visiting the last few mornings and taking shelter in the ski bindings or next to a sled. Very cute and seemingly unafraid. Just before heading off a huge flock of birds passed us, perhaps thousands strong, morphing and melding as it flew by.

From the get go we were engulfed by a pall of still warm air that turned the snow to a sticky miasma that balled on our ski skins. A quick smear of butter and we were back in glide mode.

Lunch brought a change in fortune and a snow-laden breeze cooled us and our melting chocolate.

I broke trail all day to give Heath's left leg a much needed rest. He has a swollen ankle and shin muscle from an unknown cause. The 26km through thick snow has taken its toll, I'm pretty buggered.

I just heard our mascot birdie chirping outside!


Pics of our mascot, Jade's photo of the team on the trail and me buttering up the skis.

  • Name: Camp 20
  • Elevation: 2178 m
  • Latitude: 66° 637North
  • Longitude: 42° 616West


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    2023-12-06 16:06:35 Hochzeitsfotograf says: Unsere Erfahrung mit Alexshow's Hochzeitsfotograf Standesamt Hamm Dienstleistungen war nichts weniger als erstaunlich. Vom ersten Treffen bis zur Übergabe unserer Fotos waren Professionalität und Können bei jedem Schritt offensichtlich. Sie haben nicht nur die Posen eingefangen, sondern auch die echten Emotionen und ehrlichen Momente, die unseren Hochzeitstag einzigartig gemacht haben. Wenn Sie einen Fotografen suchen, der über sich hinauswächst, dann ist Alexshow die richtige Wahl!
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    2023-08-30 03:49:43 OKBet says: Your work is very good and I appreciate you and hopping for some more informative posts. Thank you for sharing great information to us. Who is Mike Tyson?
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    2017-05-29 22:04:54 Ed Suttie says: Greetings Eric, Paul, Jade....you guys are awesome, enjoying following the expedition. The bird looks like a Greenland wheatear and its a female. They like insects and berries if you have any!
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    2017-05-28 23:32:19 Rob Cox says: Great work guys

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