North Pole Exped

apr 10

Holding pattern

Published at 21:48
Dispatch created from email
Papers stamped and aircraft cleared, the Antonov flew to Russia and delivered a resupply to an Ilyushin 76 which airdropped the goods to the ice camp. But the runway has cracked again! After an extensive search a suitable floe was discovered 27km away but on further inspection was found have an unusually heavy layer of snow on top, too thick for a tractor to clear. A decision was made to invest the last remaining time into a floe just 2km away but still within the same fracture zone. It’s a risk but one worth taking. First flight is now scheduled for April 17, a week away.

Paul and Jade are using their time wisely - sled hauling, doing local tours, bouncing from one full hotel to another, homework, and yesterday we went to the rifle range for a firearms demo and practice as I carry a 30-06 rifle on the ice for polar bear protection. Tomorrow we’ll go snowshoeing up the mountain I climbed a couple of days ago.



  • Report as abuse...
    2016-04-10 22:52:51 Andrew Lock says: Trying times indeed Eric. Hope it comes together for all the teams.
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    2016-04-10 22:38:52 michael archer says: Hope your not getting cabin fever up there, April 17 doesn't leave much time before they need to wrap up the camp ,all the best .

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