Queen Maud Land Solo Kite Ski

dic 12


Publicado a las 20:17
Despacho creado desde email
Breathless: The stunning views in every direction. From where I have come, with Ulvetanna rising above all. What I've just passed, "Mount Colossus" as I call it, with it's guardian swathe of moraine that stymied my passage between it and the range south. Where I'm going, the austere snow plains that lead down to the coast of Antarctica, and my destination, ALCI Airbase.

Breathless: The sky. Not a whisp of wind to ruffle my ruff. And with it a blue you only find in Antarctica. Each of my three breaks were warm and windless, with lunch sitting on the long strip of hard blue ice that lines the western edge of this mountain range. What a joy and relief to crampon along it for 10km.

Breathless: A long haul out of the frictionless ice and onto the rolling plains, not yet descending, left me huffing and puffing, my breath labouring as I rested on my poles, like two long seats against my butt, propping me. Ahead of me lies another hill and thereafter 110km and 1200m of elevation loss to the airbase. Five leisurely days.

  • Nombre: Camp 9
  • Elevación: 1503 m
  • Latitud: 71° 374Sur
  • Longitud: 9° 4040Este

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