North Pole Exped

Apr 19

leads lead the way

Published at 17:45
Dispatch created from email

Frozen leads dominated the day, all of them taking us due north. What luck. But unlike yesterday they were badly fractured in places, requiring us to find detours around their dark and foreboding pools. One lead was just too good to pass up and we used it to demonstrate my technique of crossing water with a team, we had time enough. 1. Rig up a ferry by rafting two sleds together. 2. Attach lines to the raft fore and aft 3. Don my dry suit 4. Slip into the water with a single sled 5. Swim to the far side using the sled to assist getting out 6. Exit dry suit 7. Ferry team across one by one 8. Pull across remaining sleds, 9. Bingo!

We are 59km from the pole. Five days judging by our current pace, four if we get some additional northerly drift.
None of us are in any rush for this adventure to finish. Interesting ice, lovely leads, rollicking ridges, fine friends.

Nasi Goreng on the menu tonight, and some nips of vodka. A Russo-Asian delight.

Pics of open water, Jade crossing a rafted crack and Jade, Paul and me in our superb Mont Equipment polar suits.

  • Name: Day 7
  • Elevation: 1 m
  • Latitude: 89° 2826North
  • Longitude: 144° 4447East


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    2024-07-20 10:59:09 SMM Panel says: I appreciate your detailed explanation. smm panel bangladesh
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    2016-04-19 17:53:11 adam says: You lucky lucky people. Truly wish i could be there for dinner :-)

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