Icetrek North Pole Ski Expedition 2015

Apr 23

Back in Svalbard

Published at 08:10
Dispatch created from email
We were picked up by helicopter from the North Pole the evening of our arrival and whisked back to Barneo Ice Camp where we spent the night in over-heated tents. Next day in heavy fog we found a nearby slush hole and the boys took turns donning the dry-suit and swimming in the lead. Quite an experience at -15c with 4km of ocean below them. During our fun we had drifted some distance and it was an eerie feeling skiing around in the fog looking for Barneo without our sleds and their swag of survival equipment. The surface was too firm to have left an imprint of our skis to follow back and besides, the murk made it difficult to observe anything with clarity. We had satellite phones and GPS but nevertheless, failing batteries heightened the drama as we tried a number of times to call Barneo for a position update which we finally received.

Thanks for following us and thanks for all your support. I will post a gallery of pics on FB, Flickr and at and have a couple of great videos that I’ll upload to YouTube.


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