Pole to Pole Run with Icetrek - South Pole leg

Jan 10

Phone Message

Published at 00:49
Dispatch created from SMS
We are now following a track less travelled and Pat finds the surface testing. Blue, clear, still. eric
  • Accumulated distance: 706 km
  • Distance to go: 445 km
  • Name: Camp 11
  • Elevation: 1593 m
  • Latitude: 85° 4958South
  • Longitude: 81° 3317West


  • Report as abuse...
    2024-07-05 10:57:24 SMM Store says: Your posts are always so well-written and insightful. Keep it up! smm followers
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    2012-01-10 09:08:07 Jose says: Hi mates! I hope all of you are fine. I wish you all the good luck in the remaining Km to go. Yesterday I watched a world map and it looks almost unreal somebody could run such a giantic distance, but you Pat has almost done real what it is supposed to be impossible. Pat, you will deserve the very best nice and realaxing holidays ever...
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    2012-01-10 05:44:18 pablo besser says: hi alls, great expedition, Pat is really impressive. cheers.
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    2012-01-10 01:04:18 Paul Brenner says: Go Ming Go

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