Pole to Pole Run with Icetrek - South Pole leg

Jan 07

Dispatch #12

Published at 02:14
Dispatch created from SMS
Pat has knocked out 6 consecutive 70km days & today began 60s. He's in great spirits, chewing pringles.

  • Accumulated distance: 535 km
  • Distance to go: 616 km
  • Name: Camp 7
  • Elevation: 1272 m
  • Latitude: 84° 1837South
  • Longitude: 80° 1714West


  • Report as abuse...
    2024-08-22 10:17:44 SMM World says: Your blog is a fantastic resource. Thanks for sharing! smm panel bangladesh
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    2012-01-07 23:27:01 Kylie Virtue says: Awesome effort - at that rate you'll beat my husband and the Humpty team who are about to fly to the 89th parallel and ski (only!) the last degree to the Pole!
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    2012-01-07 10:39:53 Greg Tegart says: Hi Pat, our thoughts are with you. Keep up the good work. Regards Greg Tegart Terrigal Trotter 207 Tony Collins running mate.
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    2012-01-07 02:23:20 Trish Tacchi says: What an Amazing Advertisement for Pringles!! Stay Warm, Stay Safe, Stay Strong. Hugs to Pat and The Team.

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