Queen Maud Land Solo Kite Ski

dic 09

kiting again

Publicado a las 20:48
Despacho creado desde email
I got real lucky today. I slogged 3km around the point west of Ulvetanna and entered the Sigynbreen. An hour in the wind sprang up from the NW and I launched my big blue (after an hour untangling a flustercuck) and kited the 20km east to the next mountain range. Just a few tiny crevasses on the far side and then a field of blue ice before finding a nice camp at the base of a pass. In the photo you can see the pass to the left of the kite. I skin up it tomorrow and camp high for a couple of nights so I can do some climbs of local peaks. New adventures every day. Loving this trip.

  • Nombre: Camp 6
  • Elevación: 1508 m
  • Latitud: 71° 5027Sur
  • Longitud: 8° 5138Este


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