Arctic High 90 with Icetrek
abr 04
#1: Leaving for Norway
Publicado a las 22:23
Hi everyone. Tomorrow I leave for Svalbard, Norway, where I meet Paul, Fabio, Christophe and Nat, the Arctic High North Pole team members, for the first time. After some training and gear prep we fly north to Barneo Ice Camp and from there by helicopter to our start point 50+km from the North Geographic Pole. Join us as we get high on the Arctic! Eric
- Distancia acumulada: 0 m
- Distancia restante: 50,0 km
- Nombre: North Pole
- Elevación: 0 m
- Latitud: 89° 59’ 59” Norte
- Longitud: 90° 0’ 0” Este