GGS Antarctica 2009

Dez 28

Eintrag #21

Publiziert am 13:13
Dispatch created from email
After our final night on Podorange and Spirit we all gathered at the Ushuaia marina for speeches and farewells. It was difficult to part from the wonderful companionship of the boat crews - they carried us safely across some of the most notorious waters on Earth and did it with gusto. Some of us are still a little unsteady on our feet and I suppose in some ways miss the ocean, the watches, the waves, everything but the seasickness. We certainly miss Antarctica and look
forward to returning when we can. Eric The flight to Buenos Aires went successfully and we all then enjoyed an amazing traditional Argentine dinner at the restaurant Cabas Las Limas.We are about to leave our hotel and make our final leg home.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

  • Name: Ushuaia
  • Höhe: 2 m
  • Breitengrad: 54° 4847South
  • Längengrad: 68° 1820West


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